Friday, March 4, 2016

How to disable Skype advertisements



The Skype Team forced us all to update to the latest version of Skype for one reason and one reason only: Money

They want us to see their new advertisements so they make more profit; they don't care how bad they are at programming and how bad they are at developing Skype.

Luckily, there is a solution to get rid of these advertisements and make Skype better (although it still has too many problems than the older versions).

1. Open-up the control panel.
2. Open-up "Network & Internet" then "Internet Options".
3. Go to the "Security" tab.
4. Click on the "Restricted Sites" icon, then the "Sites" button below it.
5. Type "" (without the quotes) into the text box and click "Add"
6. Close and apply the changes.
7. Restart Skype.
8. ???
9. Profit!

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